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Core Fitness

Corporate Wellness

The Bella Fitness Group has worked with several corporate entities including the City of Atlanta, the City of Lawrenceville,  City of Norcross, several Schools in the Metro Atlanta area with our Teacher Fitness Program, and a host of other businesses and institutions. We can help your employees to become healthier and stronger with our on-site or Virtual Corporate Wellness Programs.

Healthier Employees are Essential for Strong Corporations

The Bella Fitness Group understands 

the brevity of alarming obesity rates in America and the need for timely 

solutions in the workplace. 

Our Corporate Wellness Program 

boosts morale, improves employee 

health and fitness and increases 

productivity in the workplace.  

By starting healthful consuming 

habits, exercise and offering 

incentives, your employees will not 

only sign up for the Corporate 

Wellness program, but they will stick with it.


~What We Do~


Our Corporate Wellness Program 

begins with an initial orientation 

session where we register employees 

and introduce them to our program. 

At this time, we will implement fitness assessments, body weight, belly fat 

measurements, and body fat testing 

for each employee.


Our Bella Lifestyle Corporate Wellness Program is a dynamic exercise 

program which incorporates a diverse combination of various training 

methods which is the best path to 

overall fitness. Our Nationally 

Certified Trainers are highly skilled 

and provide modifications to suit 

employees of all fitness levels. We 

have combined Jump rope 

conditioning, Plyometrics, Pilates, 

Yoga, traditional strength & 

conditioning techniques, endurance 

training, sports drills and good old 

fashioned group camaraderie to form 

the premiere exercise program for any committed individual- regardless of 

fitness level.


~The Mind-Body Connection~


The Bella Fitness Group believes that the mind, body and spirit are all a part of our health and well being. This philosophy is focused on not only developing and strengthening the body but each individual must also develop the spirit and mind. For each one has an inter-connection with the other. You must have the spirit or drive to achieve a healthier lifestyle and the strength of mind to follow through to help the body to improve in strength and flexibility. 


~Grocery Shopping Tour for 

Employees ~


Our Nutritional Shopping Tour 

Program is an exclusive educational 

system designed to teach our clients 

how to shop and exactly what to eat. Nutrition makes up approximately 

80% of how your body looks and 

responds to exercise. It is imperative 

that we learn what types of foods 

create the optimal nutritional 

composition to properly fuel our 

bodies.  Our philosophy is based on 

the idea that optimal health begins 

with exceptional nutrition.


Each Grocery Tour is offered at your 

store of choice and lasts about an 

hour. The knowledge you will receive 

is simply priceless.


Contact us to arrange a complimentary employee fitness assessment at your place of business.

Text us!




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