Online Personal Training

Our Program
One on One personal, integrative, customized training based on your desired goals all powered by Zoom. Minimal equipment needed, but the more you have, the more diversified your workouts can be!
Our Individual Training program includes our mind, body & soul approach to wellness. Together, we will craft a comprehensive wellness program that will provide a roadmap towards greater health. You will be taught how to eat to reach your goals, how to decrease disease risk and eliminate lifestyle based diseases like hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. We will discuss the importance of healing your mental and emotional health. This will be the epicenter of achieving optimal health. Individual goals like weight loss, fat loss and healing mental and physical ailments will be outlined by you through our intake worksheets From there, I will create your comphrehenisve lifestyle wellness program.
Individual Training
One on One personal, integrative, customized training based on your desired goals and lifestyle. We also offer semi-private personal training in groups of 4-5.
Weekly “Fitness Homework” (better known as Protocol)
Fitness assessment detailed health history, weight monitoring, and goal-setting.
Unlimited email and text message support for nutrition questions, quick workout ideas to keep you on track. Whenever you need us, we are here!
Nutritional “therapy” & accountability following the Bella Lifestyle Diet guide which will include a custom 30+ page lifestyle guide and 8 week meal plan to follow which can be tweaked as we go along.
A Custom meal plan is included with our personal training packages.
Group Training
Our online Group Training program is designed for intermediate to advanced clients who are ready to be challenged! Our H.I.I.T. based exercise program incorporates a diverse combination of various training methods- which is the best path to overall fitness. We have combined cardio conditioning exercises, plyometrics, traditional strength & conditioning techniques, endurance training, core and balance training and jump rope conditioning.